Complaints Policy

In whichever capacity you are connected with Dogs for Autism you have a right to expect the very highest standards from us. If we don’t meet those standards, and you are not satisfied with any part of our services, policies or conduct, please let us know.

Your comments are valued and we will learn important lessons from the feedback we receive helping us to improve our services.

We promise to respond to all complaints in a professional, consistent and transparent manner, and aim to resolve them as swiftly as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days and will aim to resolve it within three weeks.

What to do if you have a complaint

If you are unhappy with any aspect of our work or service, please let us know as soon as possible.

For those working for Dogs for Autism whether in a paid or voluntary capacity, in the first instance please make your direct manager aware of your complaint, who can then take further steps where necessary to resolve it. In the event that this would be inappropriate please direct your complaint to our Chief Operating Officer, Jan Kiley,

For those other than employees you can make a complaint by telephone or email.

If you would prefer to write, please send your letter to: Dogs for Autism, Unit 10, Hartley Business Park, Selborne Road, Selborne, Alton, GU34 3HD

In all cases – if you are dissatisfied with the way your complaint has been handled please contact firstly the Chief Executive Officer Hilary Armour at

Following that if necessary please contact Chairman of the Trustees Max Charman at

If you are not satisfied with the way Dogs for Autism has handled your complaint you can contact the Charity Commission for further advice.

If your complaint is about our fundraising activities, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator.