Gemma completes ‘hair-raising’ ‘Wing Walk’ for Autism!

Gemma completes ‘hair-raising’ ‘Wing Walk’ for Autism!

Dogs for Autism are proud to announce that their Early Days Manager, Gemma Binstead, has successfully completed a sponsored wing walk for the charity, strapped to the wings of a bi-plane!

Gemma, an experienced dog handler and trainer for Dogs for Autism, has raised over £1000 for the charity by flying 700 feet above the ground this March, flying at speeds of up to 130mph and strapped securely to the wings of a bi-plane as it flew above Devon on a chilly Spring morning.

Gemma decided to help Dogs for Autism by fundraising for the charity’s ‘100 Hero Campaign’, in a bid to raise £1000 for the charity over the course of the year. Gemma’s fundraising has proved to be so successful that she has beaten her own target and, combined with a previous Yoga event that she held for the charity, she has raised over her initial target since the start of the year.

Gemma said, ” I am delighted to have been added to the Dogs for Autism’s ‘Hall of Fame’ for their 100 Hero campaign and am thrilled to have set myself this challenge. Like most people I am slightly nervous about heights, but this was a challenge that I thought I would set for myself. There was literally no going back! I wanted to see if I could push myself to take on a new and positive activity, raising funds that might help the lives of the autistic partners and the dogs that I work with. I am so pleased I have been able to raise a thousand pounds for Dogs for Autism”.

Gemma’s reaching new heights!

Gemma’s reaching new heights!

We are proud to share the slighty ‘hair raising’ news that our Early Days Manager and trainer Gemma, will be taking part in an exhilarating ‘wing walk’ for Dogs for Autism this weekend!

Gemma is helping Dogs for Autism raise funds this Spring by taking part in an exciting wing walk challenge in Devon, all part of our 100 Heroes Campaign for 2022.

Help Gemma raise money for DfA here:

Post-event ‘hair raising’ photos of Gemma’s flight coming soon!